Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: AGATA MATARAZZO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The training course, designed in collaboration with teachers of other disciplines in the same area, aims to acquisition of theoretical principles concerning the management models of voluntary certification adoptable by local companies, regardless of size and production process. In particular, separately the voluntary certification of quality, safety, and environmental ethics Management Systems are firstly analyzed; then the variables are unified along a path that aims to an integrated voluntary Management System. Beside to the necessary theoretical knowledge, suitably formalized, teacher intends to transfer appropriate skills, both to deepen the themes treated by an operational point of view, and to complete the training course, in order to provide the necessary knowledge to apply appropriately in the real world all methods and techniques studied (knowing how to evaluate, compare, decide, act). To achieve these aims, during the lectures, that include direct, traditional classroom activities, are also used appropriate equipment, such as slides, and case studies in public and private companies are presented and discussed.

The whole teaching process is directed at combining teaching methods that aim at developing both the students’ inductive skills as well as the students’ logical-deductive process

The testing of this learning does not include only final exams organised with oral exams, but also a careful and continual assessment of understanding throughout the whole learning process, stimulating a fruitful and active participation of all the students.

Course Structure

the course is divided into two-hour lectures organised over three days a week; roughly a month of lessons for each module; in the classroom the lecturer has slides specially prepared to explain the course content very thoroughly. Furthermore lectures are enriched by discussions about production cycles, classroom input, from case studies, etc.
The course, worth 9 CFU, is organized in three modules, each of which is worth 3 ECTS, and requires a total work load of 225 hours (lectures: 60 hours; self study: 165 hours). The course programme is divided into three modules, planned to deal with the topics in sequential and balanced order. Attendance is normally compulsory. The teacher motivates students to actively attend, arranging for their exam at the end of the module only if they have a minimum percentage of attendance at lectures (80%).

Required Prerequisites

the course provides students from the beginning of the lecturers appropriate advice and encouragement for a more active participation as possible to the entire educational process, and for an improvement in the method of study, for a more effective learning of the subject. The teacher constantly checks, topic by topic, whether the acquisition of knowledge takes place effectively, reviewing possibly also in progress the method of teaching, in order to better adapt it to the practical achievement of this important objective, taking into account the actual composition of the classroom . In this context, testing of profit by an exam is a natural, logical corollary of the learning process, which is constantly monitored and improved, partly to prevent a traumatic approach to the examination test

Attendance of Lessons

Basic knowledge of business systems and the factors of production, quality systems

it is very important to have a good knowldge of english language, particullary business and economics forms and terms

Detailed Course Content

The student is given an opportunity to relate and to transfer to third parties, including non-specialists, with clarity and precision of expression and appropriate technical language, information, analysis, value judgments, plans and proposals for action on environmental issues, corporate and ethics. Subsequently to an appropriate theoretical knowledge of voluntary regulations of reference, it is essential to acquire a capacity of operational application of the legislative instruments available. The teacher also cultivated throughout the curriculum the development of such skills, taking care that it motivates and ensures an active participation of every student, by means of the organization of appropriate educational activities mentioned above. The student is urged to continually expose their thoughts verbally and formally with the appropriate arguments and techniques, to prepare documents in written form, to organize presentations, individually and in group, discussing the documents presented in classroom to stimulate an interaction on the level of communication. The final test is a further in-depth study and verification of the various communication skills effectively achieved by the students

Textbook Information

- Bolay- Schimid-Tejada- Hezboun, Technologies for development: scientific cooperatiocooperation for a sustainable future, 2012,Springer. - Redmond- Lock, Educational innovations and contemporary Technologies, 2015,Springer. - Dodgson- Salter, The management of tecnological innovations, 2008, Springer.
- Grade A., S. Vicari, G. Verona - "Technology, Innovation, Operations" - Ed. Egea, Milano, 2006;

- Henderson, Jeffrey. "Globalisation of high technology production" Routledge, 2002.

- Kipphan, H. (Ed.) "Handbook of print media: technologies and production methods". Springer Science & Business Media, 2001


Students will be given photocopied handouts during the course.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Presentation of the subject. Technology in the economic and productive System*. Difference between technology and techniques*. Examples: production cycles in oil derivatives; production of electricity; production of cement. Science and Technology.
2Technological Progress and the Environment: water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, thermal and electromagnetic pollution, pollution from technological accidents*. "Sustainable development". Technological progress, socio-economic transformation
3The evaluation of the intrinsic quality of an example of technology. Types of ''indicators'': process reliability, uniformity of product specifications, system flexibility, real potential. Environmental indicators
4Evolution and life cycle of technologies and a product*: characterization of the stages of implementation, expansion and development, saturation, obsolescence. Technology and production costs; the vanishing point. Model of product and process innovation
5International standards for quality certification ;Standard ISO 9000/ 1987;Standard ISO 9000 / 1994; Standards ISO 9000 / 2000; Standards ISO 9000 /2008; Steps for quality certification; PLAN DO CHECK ACT Deming cycle

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

the oral  exam with at least three questions on each module; the content focuses on all the topics covered in the classroom for attending students, including company visits and testimonials from entrepreneurs, and on all the topics covered in the three modules for non-attending students

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The evolution of the quality agreement : product quality ; from CWQC to TQM; total quality: the quality according to ISO 9000/94, ISO 9000/2000 *, ISO 9000/2008, ISO 9000/2015. The certification actors. The certification of products and the company system, * Certification process, presentation of the quality manual. The quality pyramid. The quality of services. The statistical tools of quality control * control charts, bar charts, Pareto’s analysis. The management of quality control instruments *, diagram arrows, tree diagram, the error tree; management of hygiene and safety in food systems.