Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: MARCO ROMANO

Expected Learning Outcomes

1.    Knowledge and understanding . At thè end of thè course thè student will know and understand thè main conceptual categories relating to thè business System and, in particular, to thè environment in which thè firm operates, to thè positioning choices in thè industry, to thè resources and capabilities within thè organization. At thè same time, he/she will be able to distinguisi! competitive, collaboration and growth strategies as well as their planning and implementation processes. The student will also understand thè functional strategies, with introductory notes on marketing, financial, operations and logistics functions. Technological innovation and competitive advantage will complete thè student's leaming path with a focus on digitai transformation, digitai business models, industry 4.0 and Sharing Economy platforms.

2.    Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will acquire thè knowledge and thè comprehension of applicative understanding inherent to thè functioning of thè companies in different business areas. The course aims to develop participants* aptitude for thè strategie management of companies as dynamic systems and for thè formulation of decisions through which achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Particular attention Is paid to thè acquisition of thè analytical and conceptual tools suggested in thè classroom. Through thè presentation of appropriate case studies, thè aim is to develop thè criticai capacity of thè participants and thè ability to face thè problems studied in different, transversai and interdisciplinary contexts.

3.    Making judgments. The student will develop independent judgment and ability to link thè theoretical topics and thè related application plans, with particular reference to thè finn management and strategies.

4.    Commùnication skills. The student will acquire communication skills and appropriateness in thè use of technical language related to thè various themes of economics and business management. Each particlpant will be able to relate to and transfer knowledge, projeets and proposals concerning complex strategie and financial issues to third parties, with clarity and predsion.

5.    Leaming skills. The student will acquire a high leaming ability, in theoretical and application terms, able to make him autonomous in thè future workplace.

Course Structure

Lectures, teamwork, testimonies from operatore and professionals of various sector, analysis and use of databases, case study discussions.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisite is required.

Attendance of Lessons

Class partecipation, case study and project work.

Detailed Course Content

The business System: thè competitive environment, resources and capabilities in thè business System, thè business as a "sustainable" System. Strategie management and growth strategies: strategy development, competitive advantage, business models, competitive and collaboration strategies, growth strategies. Strategie planning, strategy implementation, organizational structure and human capitai management. Functional strategies: marketing foundamentals; financial evaluation of strategies; operations management; logistics. Technological innovation and competitive advantage: digitai transfomnation, digitai business models, industry 4.0, Sharing Economy platforms.

Textbook Information

1.      Caroli M. (2021), Economia e gestione sostenibile delle imprese, McGraw-Hill Education, Milano.

2.      Supplementary leaming material provided during the course.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam consists of a written test with three open questions and/or exercises to which you will have to answer in full on 1 page (per question). The final exam grade is determined by assigning a different weight to thè following criteria.

-      Completeness and consisency of thè answer 50%.

-      Criticai ability to evaluate and discuss thè topic: 30%.

-      Ability to connect with other themes not contained in thè track, but being part of thè program: 10%.

-      Correct linguistic forni and style: 10%.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises


1.      Discuss types of entry barriera.

2.      Define thè main benefìts of outsourcing.

3.      Describe thè objectives and method of calculating thè net promoter score.

4.      Under what conditions can resources and skills lead to a competitive advantage? When does thè competitive advantage become sustainable?